
Representing the artists of Old Town at Jumma Hafta Art Bazaar @ T2F

On July 14 and 15, our team of interns displayed and sold the works of the oldest artists of Old Town, like Ahmed Anwer, among the works of contemporary artists at The Second Floor's Jumma Hafta Art Bazaar. It was an excellent to bring the works of the Water Color Society at Pakistan Chowk under the spotlight and talk about the process. Spoken histories of Old Town veterans were put on public display in eight postcards for people's engagement. People also got to have a glimpse of the Pakistan Chowk Community Centre on postcards, carrying our mission and our narrative further.

JHAB proved to be a great way for people to learn about what Pakistan Chowk Community Centre aims to be and how they can contribute to make it happen.

Photo credit: Anum Mufti